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A417 consultation seeking your thoughts
Glover Review of Protected Landscapes Published
Facilitation fund: Countryside Stewardship now open
Great crested newt mitigation scheme expands to include Gloucestershire
Government release update on Environment Bill
Highways England Announce Preferred Route for A417 'Missing Link'
Government announces all development to provide biodiversity net gains
New Covenants to protect nature
Gloucestershire Supports National LNP response to Net Gain Proposals
2019 Year of Green Action (YoGA): Defra release partner toolkit
Consultation: Protecting and Enhancing England’s Trees and Woodlands
Draft Indicators Framework for the 25 Year Environment Plan - Consultation
The draft Environment (Principles and Governance) Bill - Call for collective response
Biodiversity Net Gain: Consultation
Chris Packham releases 'A People's Manifesto for Wildlife'