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Update:  Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership kicked off a partnership strategy review at the whole partnership gathering held on 28th November 2023.  Our aim is to develop a new GLNP strategy and workplan for 2025 onwards. 

Current strategy:

Over the period 2021-24 the Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership will build on its achievements since 2012. It will focus on supporting partners to deliver existing environmental commitments, adapt to changes in legislation and national policy and put Gloucestershire at the forefront of Green Growth, with nature a priority above all.

5 areas have been identified as key strategic themes to guide our work:

- Nature's Recovery

- Climate Resilience

- Green Growth

- Naturally Healthy

- People and Nature

In Gloucestershire and across the UK there is growing recognition of the need to act swiftly and strongly to address the twin climate and ecological emergencies. Much attention is rightly given to the resilience, multiple benefits and cost efficiencies that can be delivered through investment in natural solutions to these threats.

Changes to the policy environment bring challenges and opportunities, so flexibility and dynamism are required within this strategy.

The next three years for the GLNP, as for society at large will be crucial in bringing about the change we need. Find out how we plan to tackle them by downloading our three-year strategy below, taking us from 2021-2024.

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