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Whole Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership gathering, 28 November 2023

79 people from many different organisations around Gloucestershire came together for an in-person Local Nature Partnership gathering at the Royal Agricultural University on 28 November 2023.

The morning focused on the big picture of what Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership partners are doing, separately and collectively; what we have achieved as a partnership, and started the conversation about the future (2024-27) strategy for the partnership. After lunch there was a choice of in-depth workshops on key current areas of work around the partnership.

We heard that Partners appreciated the opportunity to comment on the progress of our current 2021-24 work programme. Discussions about the areas of work that might most need partnership working in the future, raised many questions and suggestions to return in further discussions over the coming six months. The GLNP Board, many of whom attended the RAU session, met on 30th November and agreed the next steps. Our aim is to have the new GLNP strategy and workplan ready to start from August/September next year and we will plan the next steps of this soon.


Attached here are the slides from the review of current GLNP strategy in the morning, and a brief write up of the “snap-shots” of the work of so many different organisations around Gloucestershire that contributes to the current overall strategy themes. 


We heard that our new programme should build upon, and extend, our current work and commitments.  These include the completion of the Gloucestershire Local Nature Recovery Strategy and its implementation on the ground; the consolidation of the Gloucestershire Nature and Climate Fund through the mechanism of biodiversity net gain and subsequent exploration of green financing initiatives; the completion of the natural social prescribing pilots and planning beyond; the support to the county Climate Leadership Group and its approach to nature-based solutions through championing the biodiversity theme; commitment to the promotion of new and enhanced green space and infrastructure - bringing nature to where people live and work; the next steps in both the Access to Nature programme and Young Changemakers, widening and deepening our engagement with the people of Gloucestershire.


The discussions identified particular interest in working out where it would be most valuable to work in partnership on aspects around People and Nature – potentially encompassing communications, story-telling, engagement, working with businesses.  There was also strong support for finding new resourcing for Gloucestershire’s Local Wildlife Sites system. 


Perhaps the strongest feedback was how the gathering was appreciated in and of itself - the opportunity to meet colleagues and potential partners in person, in common cause.  The range and depth of what is going in the County was inspiring to see and hear.  We can be proud of what we have achieved and are achieving for nature, but we also committed to up our game to address the emergencies we are facing.  In short, it was good to be back as a Partnership, in the room, after such a long time.

(Picture credits: Claudi Williams)

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