A new energy strategy is being developed for Gloucestershire, with the support of GFirst, the county's Local Enterprise Partnership. The new strategy will set out how Gloucestershire can contribute fully to the national shift to a very low carbon, affordable and resilient energy system while maximising the benefits for local businesses and citizens.
This half-day workshop on the afternoon of Tuesday 9 October 2018 gives stakeholders from across the county a unique opportunity to shape the strategy as it is developed.
The event will run from 2.00 - 5.00 pm at the SGS Berkeley GREEN campus, with coffee and tea available from 1.30 pm.
It will offer a chance to (a) contribute your knowledge of what's already happening in the county and the local strengths and weaknesses which the strategy must take into account, and (b) explore the challenges which need to be overcome for the county to succeed in securing an economically-rewarding sustainable energy future.
To register to attend, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gloucestershire-energy-strategy-stakeholder-workshop-tickets-48797197732
Feel free to share this post and the event details with to anyone else you think might be interested in attending.