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Local Industrial Strategy – Call for Evidence

Our county's Local Enterprise Partnership, GFirst, are required to develop a Local Industrial Strategy (LIS) for Gloucestershire, setting the direction for the future of Gloucestershire’s economy. It will help to inform local choices, prioritise local action and, where appropriate, help to inform decisions at a national level.

It will guide local investment alongside funding which is granted to Local Enterprise Partnerships by central government and other national schemes.

Call for Evidence

To prepare our Local Industrial Strategy, GFirst LEP is issuing a public ‘Call for Evidence’ to develop a robust and up-to-date evidence base to identify the strengths and challenges within our local economy.

We will then use the information contained within the evidence base to formulate a series of future strategic priorities for inclusion within the Local Industrial Strategy.

The purpose of this Call for Evidence is to enable stakeholders to submit information they think should be included within the evidence base and should be taken into consideration during the preparation of the Local Industrial Strategy’s emerging priorities.

The Call for Evidence consists of ten questions based around the five Foundations of Productivity and four Grand Challenges included within the national Industrial Strategy. You can find out more about the LIS and the questions framing the evidence gathering on the GFirst LEP website here:

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