GLNP and GFirst LEP recognise the growing need to act swiftly and strongly to address the twin climate and ecological emergencies. We aim to unlock the multiple benefits and cost efficiencies that can be achieved through natural solutions to these threats. Changes in the policy and legislation, both locally and nationally, present huge challenges and opportunities.
To support adaptation to and mitigation of climate change and tackle the challenges and realise the opportunities noted above, we are establishing a Nature and Climate Fund. This Fund will leverage financial contributions from multiple private and public sector organisations and individuals for investment in the natural environment in Gloucestershire. The two primary areas of focus are Biodiversity Net Gain, a mandatory market, and carbon, which is currently voluntary.
We are looking for a knowledgeable, dynamic, diplomatic but determined project manager, who will lead development of the GNCF. They will be experienced at building and facilitating cross-sectorial relationships with multiple different stakeholders. They will be organised and methodical, whilst retaining operational oversight of the project. The successful candidate should have experience of working at a policy level and extensive experience working with strategic partnerships. They should also have relevant experience from the environmental, planning or finance sectors.
The GNCF project manager role is for an initial period of twelve months. The post is jointly funded by several of the LNP partners, and hosted by GFirst LEP.
The main role of the GNCF Project Manager will be to design, develop and facilitate the establishment of the Gloucestershire Nature and Climate Fund. They will work with the LNP Manager, Board and wider partnership to leverage expertise and support to design the governance, processes, financial and delivery mechanisms required to create a county-based market for Biodiversity and Carbon. They will mobilise the relationships held within the LEP, Local Planning Authorities, Statutory Agencies and NGOs who own land or engage landowners, to develop an appropriate operating model.
For more information please contact and see below for the full details.