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Forum Posts
Gary K
Nov 19, 2018
In Nature Recovery
Personally I agree we need a confirmed improved Nature (Ecological) Recovery Network for Gloucestershire to fit in with the Defra 25 Year Plan. However I say improved because I hope we don't forget our existing spatial recovery strategy which is the Gloucestershire Nature Map. This was created from many datasets and the input of many partners between 2006 and 2011. It has informed the formation of our Local Nature Improvement Areas as well as green Infrastructure mapping (strategically by the LNP and on a district basis by the Local Planning Authorities). The Glos. Nature Map (Dec 2011) is now embedded or inferred in many recently adopted Local Development Plans and is a recovery vision for 2050. The Glos. Nature Map components are Strategic Nature Areas and these profile the extent of existing habitats, sites and what ecological improvements should be sought. I think the new Nature (Ecological) Recovery Network should not be a complete re-think but involve tweaking/revising the Glos. Nature Map, adding in latest GI mapping and the location of important rivers/watercourses. A key part of this on the ground should be the extension of our Key Wildlife Sites/SSSIs plus green space in Lawton fashion - bigger, better and more joined up! The LNP Conservation Priorities could then include the adoption of an updated 'ecological recovery network map' and also have some ambitions for a suite of key priority habitats and priority species. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the meeting that will kick all this off on the 30th November so hence my post here.
Gary K
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